Corrie Claiborne, Ph.D.
Previously a professor at Auburn University and Claflin University, Corrie Claiborne is currently an associate professor of English and American Literature at Morehouse College. She received her undergraduate degree in English from Syracuse University, an M.A. in English from the University of South Carolina, and a doctorate from The Ohio State University. She has often written about the role that black men and women play in popular culture. Her essay “The Bride Price,” investigating black women and materialism, was published in 2003 in Sometimes Rhythm, Sometimes Blues: Young African Americans on Sex, Love, and the Search for Mr. Right by Seal Press. In 2009, she was awarded a UNCF/Mellon Fellowship at Harvard University. In 2010, she partnered with the Myrtle Beach Museum of Art and the Richland County Library in Columbia, SC to deliver a series of lectures about the similarities between the Quilts of Gee’s Bend, Alabama, and the cultural artifacts of the South Carolina Low Country. Her essay “‘Decorating the Decorations': Daughters of the Dust and the Aesthetics of the Quilt” was published in 2020 by Peter Lang Press in a collection honoring the 25th Anniversary of Julie Dash’s Daughters of the Dust. As a prison education faculty teaching affiliate, Dr. Claiborne will design and deliver a class on literature, literacy, and critical writing.