Social Justice Health Initiative 

Social Justice Inquiry and Praxis-Health Initiative

The Institute for Social Justice Inquiry and Praxis (SJIP) will build more equitable and healthy communities with a Health Initiative. This project will bridge community leaders and resources with students and partner organizations. The Initiative will focus on community wellness, including:

  • The promotion of healthy lifestyles at Morehouse and the surrounding communities;

  • Restorative Justice Practices- by decreasing violence and increasing community engagement in the form of healing circles and other trauma informed practices;

  • Strengthening the Atlanta University Center pipeline for K-12 students in the neighboring communities; and

  • Preparing the next generation of health scholars and practitioners.

We will develop a Community of Practice (CoP)-where members share lessons learned and best practices, provide micro-grants and internship/practicum sites. SJIP will develop a series of workshops and trainings to enhance this community of practice and implement the aforementioned initiatives.